I denne artikel lærer du om PostDiCom Cloud API-metoderne, og hvordan du integrerer dit eksisterende program. Vi tilbyder også PostDiCom Cloud API Reference Implementering, som du kan få adgang til via PostDICOM Cloud API Reference Implementering.
For at bruge PostDiCom Cloud API skal du først og fremmest have to nøgler, nemlig AccountKey og ApiKey. Hvis du ikke har disse nøgler og ønsker at integrere din applikation/webside med PostDiCom, bedes du kontakte os og få din.
Detaljer om disse nøgler kan findes nedenfor.
AccountKey: Dette er den nøgle, som PostDiCom har tildelt din konto. Det er unikt, og det oprettes, når du tilmelder dig PostDiCom, og det ændrer sig ikke i tide.
APIKey: Dette er den nøgle, der er tildelt din konto, når den er autoriseret til at bruge PostDICOM Cloud API-funktionalitet. Det anbefales at ændre denne nøgle regelmæssigt ved hjælp af siden „API Settings“. Et eksempelskærmbillede er angivet nedenfor.
Hvilke funktioner understøttes af PostDICOM Cloud API? Hvordan kan jeg bruge det?
PostDICOM Cloud API leveres som et Javascript-bibliotek og er designet på en måde, der giver alle de funktioner, som Medical Companies har brug for. Disse er upload af DICOM-filer, oprettelse af mapper, søgning, visning og sletning af patientordrer. Understøttede funktioner og deres brug er forklaret i de følgende afsnit.
Hvis din virksomhed har brug for en anden funktionalitet, som ikke er angivet nedenfor, bedes du kontakte os. Vi kan gennemgå anmodningen og kan levere funktionen.
PostDiCom Cloud API-funktioner leveres via et JavaScript-bibliotek. Dette bibliotek kan downloades fra PostDicomCloudApi.js linket nedenfor. Tilføj denne adresse til afsnittet „hoved“ på din HTML-side. Eksempel på brug er som følger.
Understøttede PostDICOM Cloud API-funktioner
Hvis du vil bruge PostDiCom Cloud API-tjenesten, skal du først kalde „PostDicomCloudAPI“ -metoden med din APIKey og AccountKey. På den måde vil du oprette et objekt. Prøvebrug er nedenunder.
Required Parameters | Description |
apiKey | It is used to authenticate the request. Provide your apiKey to the method. |
accountKey | It is used to authenticate the request. Provide your accountKey to the method. |
Når objektet er oprettet, skal du kalde sin „Initialiser“ -metode. Denne metode kontrollerer din AccountKey med ApiKey, og når du er færdig, kaldes tilbagekaldsmetoden. Resultaterne er i JSon-format, og de kan ses i callback-metoden. Eksempel brug er angivet nedenfor.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
callback | function | Callback method. |
PostDICOM Cloud API giver ReaddicomFiles til at læse DICOM-filer og returnere patient- og studieoplysninger til den, der ringer op. På denne måde kan brugere behandle DICOM-filer og vise patient- og studiedata i deres brugergrænseflader. Eksempel brug er angivet nedenfor.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
selectedFiles | file list | Select files from your user interface and pass them to this method. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Overførsel af DICOM-billeder
For at uploade DICOM-filer tilbyder vi fire forskellige metoder. I alle disse metoder, under upload tilbagekald metode vil blive påberåbt for at give upload status og uploade afsluttede begivenheder. Kun filer i DICOM-format kan uploades. Metoder og deres parametre er angivet nedenfor.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
institutionUuid | string | Provide the institution unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
selectedFiles | file list | Select files from your user interface and pass them to this method. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
institutionUuid | string | Provide the institution unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
folderUuid | string | Provide the folder unique id which is returned from the GetFolderList method. |
selectedFiles | file list | Select files from your user interface and pass them to this method. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
institutionUuid | string | Provide the institution unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
selectedFiles | file list | Select files from your user interface and pass them to this method. |
anonymizedData | DicomTagsEnum value list |
This is the anonymization data which will be used to change DICOM file tags.
Example usage: anonymousData = []; anonymousData.push({ Tag: myApi.DicomTagsEnum.PatientName, Value: 'John Doe' }); anonymousData.push({ Tag: myApi.DicomTagsEnum.PatientId, Value: '123' }); |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
institutionUuid | string | Provide the institution unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
folderUuid | string | Provide the folder unique id which is returned from the GetFolderList method. |
selectedFiles | file list | Select files from your user interface and pass them to this method. |
anonymizedData | DicomTagsEnum value list |
This is the anonymization data which will be used to change DICOM file tags.
Example usage: anonymousData = []; anonymousData.push({ Tag: myApi.DicomTagsEnum.PatientName, Value: 'John Doe' }); anonymousData.push({ Tag: myApi.DicomTagsEnum.PatientId, Value: '123' }); |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Overførsel af kliniske dokumenter
For at uploade kliniske dokumenter leverer vi følgende metoder. Under upload vil callback metode blive påberåbt for at give upload status og uploade afsluttede begivenheder. Kun filer i PDF-, JPEG-, JPG-, PNG-, BMP- og MP4-formater kan uploades. Metode og dens parametre er angivet nedenfor.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
institutionUuid | string | Provide the institution unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
patientOrderUuid | string | Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
selectedFiles | file list | Select files from your user interface and pass them to this method (.pdf, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .mp4). |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Søgning efter patientordrer
Ved hjælp af PostDiCom Cloud API kan du søge patientordrer på din konto med forskellige parametre. Vi leverer tre forskellige metoder til søgning. Disse metoder og deres brug er angivet nedenfor.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
callback | function | Callback method. |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
institutionUuidList | string array | Provide the institution unique id list. Institution unique ids can be obtained from Initialize method. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty array. |
patientName | string | Patient name to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
accessionNumber | string | Accession number to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
patientId | string | Patient ID to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
otherPatientId | string | Other patient ids to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
modalities | string array | Modalities to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty array. |
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
callback | function | Callback method. |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
institutionUuidList | string array | Provide the institution unique id list. Institution unique ids can be obtained from Initialize method. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty array. |
patientName | string | Patient name to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
accessionNumber | string | Accession number to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
patientId | string | Patient ID to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
otherPatientId | string | Other patient ids to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
modalities | string array | Modalities to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty array. |
startDate | date | Start date to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty. |
endDate | date | End date to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty. |
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
callback | function | Callback method. |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
institutionUuidList | string array | Provide the institution unique id list. Institution unique ids can be obtained from Initialize method. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty array. |
patientName | string | Patient name to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
accessionNumber | string | Accession number to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
patientId | string | Patient ID to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
otherPatientId | string | Other patient ids to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
modalities | string array | Modalities to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty array. |
startBirthdate | date | Start Birthdate to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty. |
endBirthdate | date | End Birthdate to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty. |
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
callback | function | Callback method. |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
folderUuid | string | Provide the folder unique id which is returned from the GetFolderList method. |
Opret patientordre
For at oprette Patientordrer leverer vi to forskellige metoder. I alle disse metoder, efter fuldførelse, vil tilbagekaldelsesmetode blive påberåbt til at levere afsluttede hændelser. Metoder og deres parametre er angivet nedenfor.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
institutionUuid | string | Provide the institution unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
patientName | string | Patient name to create for. You can send the patient name in “LAST NAME^FIRST NAME^MIDDLE NAME” format. That way, we can use the location of ‘^’ character and split first name, middle name and last name. |
patientId | string | Patient ID to create for. |
modality | string | Modality to create for. |
studyDescription | string | Study description to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
orderDate | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | Order date to create for. |
orderTime | string (HH:MM) | Order time to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
institutionUuid | string | Provide the institution unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
patientName | string | Patient name to create for. You can send the patient name in “LAST NAME^FIRST NAME^MIDDLE NAME” format. That way, we can use the location of ‘^’ character and split first name, middle name and last name. |
patientId | string | Patient ID to create for. |
patientOtherId | string | Patient Other ID to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
patientBirthdate | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | Patient birth date to create for. |
modality | string | Modality to create for. |
studyDescription | string | Study description to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
accessionNumber | string | Accession number to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
complaints | string | Complaints to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
orderDate | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | Order date to create for. |
orderTime | string (HH:MM) | Order time to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
procedureId | string | Procedure ID to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
procedureDescription | string | Procedure description to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
scheduledEquipmentUuid | string | Scheduled Equipment can be set by this parameter. Equipment unique ids can be obtained from GetDicomNodeList method. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty array. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
institutionUuid | string | Provide the institution unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
patientName | string | Patient name to create for. You can send the patient name in “LAST NAME^FIRST NAME^MIDDLE NAME” format. That way, we can use the location of ‘^’ character and split first name, middle name and last name. |
patientId | string | Patient ID to create for. |
patientOtherId | string | Patient Other ID to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
patientSex | string | Patient Sex to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given "M","F","O" or empty string. |
patientBirthdate | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | Patient birth date to create for. |
modality | string | Modality to create for. |
studyDescription | string | Study description to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
accessionNumber | string | Accession number to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
complaints | string | Complaints to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
orderDate | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | Order date to create for. |
orderTime | string (HH:MM) | Order time to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
procedureId | string | Procedure ID to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
procedureDescription | string | Procedure description to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
scheduledEquipmentUuid | string | Scheduled Equipment can be set by this parameter. Equipment unique ids can be obtained from GetDicomNodeList method. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty array. |
referringPhysiciansName | string | Referring Physicians Name to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
institutionUuid | string | Provide the institution unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
jsonParameters | JSON |
You can create Patient Orders by setting the jsonParameters below. You can only send the necessary JSON parameters to create the order. { OtherPatientId: 'Patient Other ID to create for.', //Format: string PatientName: 'Patient Name to create for.', //Format: string OrderModality: 'Modality to create for.', //Format: string OrderAccessionNumber: 'Accession Number to create for.', //Format: string(lenght: 1-16) , Example: 'AN-12345' PatientsBirthDate: 'Patient birth date to create for.', //Format: string(YYYY-MM-DD), Example: '2000-01-01' PatientID: 'Patient ID to create for.', //Format: string Priority: 'Priority flag to create for.', //Format: string PatientHistory: 'Patient History to create for.', //Format: string PatientComplaints: 'Patient Complaints to create for.', //Format: string PatientSymptom: 'Patient Symptom to create for.', //Format: string RequestingPhysician: 'Requesting Physician to create for.', //Format: string RequestingDepartment: 'Requesting Department to create for.', //Format: string RequestingProcedureDescription: 'Requesting Procedure Description to create for.', //Format: string PerformedDatetime: 'Order datetime to create for.', //Format: string(YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM), Example: '2000-01-01 16:00' OrderNote1: 'Order Note1 to create for.', //Format: string OrderNote2: 'Order Note2 to create for.', //Format: string ReferringPhysiciansName: 'Referring Physicians Name to create for.', //Format: string StudyDescription: 'Study Description to create for.', //Format: string RequestedProcedureId: 'Requested Procedure Id to create for.', //Format: string ScheduledEquipmentUuid: 'Scheduled Equipment Uuid to create for.', //Format: string(GUID), Example: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' PatientSex: 'Patient Sex to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given "M","F","O" or empty string.' //Format: string(lenght: 1), Example: 'O' } |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Opret og slet mappe
Mapper kan oprettes ved hjælp af CreateFolder metoden. Eksempel brug er angivet nedenfor. Når API kald er færdig tilbagekald metode kaldes.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
parentFolderUuid | string | Parent folder unique id in which the new folder will be created. If this parameter is empty, folder is created at the root folder. |
folderName | string | Name of the folder. Subfolders can be created by proving the folder names separated by '/' character. For example when "folderA/folderB" is passed to the method, folderA will be created and then folderB will be created in folderA. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Mapper kan oprettes ved hjælp af CreateFolder metoden. Eksempel brug er angivet nedenfor. Når API kald er færdig tilbagekald metode kaldes.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
parentFolderUuid | string | Parent folder unique id in which the new folder will be created. If this parameter is empty, folder is created at the root folder. |
folderName | string | Name of the folder. Subfolders can be created by proving the folder names separated by '/' character. For example when "folderA/folderB" is passed to the method, folderA will be created and then folderB will be created in folderA. |
folderDescription | string | Description of the folder. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Mapper kan slettes ved hjælp af metoden DeleteFolder. Eksempel brug er angivet nedenfor. Når API kald er færdig tilbagekald metode kaldes.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
folderUuid | string | Folder unique id in which the folder will be deleted. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Søge efter mapper
Mapper kan være søgning ved hjælp af getFolderList metode. Eksempel brug er angivet nedenfor. Når API kald er færdig tilbagekald metode kaldes.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
parentFolderUuid | string | Parent folder unique id in which the new folder will be searched. If this parameter is empty, root folders in the root folder are searched. |
folderName | string | Name of the folder to be searched for. If this parameter is empty, all of the folders in the parent folder are returned. |
getOrdersInFolder | bool | If this parameter is true, orders in that folder will be returned within the result. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Du kan oprette adgangslinks til dine folder på din konto. Efter at have fået beskueren link, skal du åbne det i din applikation eller via en webbrowser som Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari osv Af sikkerhedsmæssige årsager skal IP-adresserne på linkanmodningen og fremviseren være de samme. Desuden, hvis du angiver dit domænenavn, kan vi kun oprette visningslinks til de anmodninger, der kommer fra dit domæne.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
folderUuid | string | Provide the folder unique id which is returned from the GetFolderList method. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Du kan oprette adgangslinks til dine ordrer på din konto. Efter at have fået beskueren link, skal du åbne det i din applikation eller via en webbrowser som Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari osv Af sikkerhedsmæssige årsager skal IP-adresserne på linkanmodningen og fremviseren være de samme. Desuden, hvis du angiver dit domænenavn, kan vi kun oprette visningslinks til de anmodninger, der kommer fra dit domæne.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
patientOrderUuid | string | Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Du kan flytte patientordrer til papirkurven ved hjælp af metoden DeleteOrder. Dens brug og parametre er angivet nedenfor.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
patientOrderInstitutionUuid | string | Patient order institution unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
patientOrderUuid | string | Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Du kan få DICOM-noder ved hjælp af getDicomNodelist-metoden. Når de kaldes, returneres alle de DICOM-noder, som brugeren kan se.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Patientordre kan føjes til eksisterende mapper ved hjælp af AddorderToFolder-metoden. Eksempel brug er angivet nedenfor. Når API kald er færdig tilbagekald metode kaldes.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
patientOrderInstitutionUuid | string | Patient order institution unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
patientOrderUuid | string | Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
folderUuidList | string array | Provide the folder unique id list. Folder unique ids can be obtained from GetFolderList method. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Patientordrer kan fjernes fra mappen ved hjælp af metoden RemoveOrderFromFolder. Eksempel brug er angivet nedenfor. Når API kald er færdig tilbagekald metode kaldes.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
folderUuid | string | Provide the folder unique id list. Folder unique ids can be obtained from GetFolderList method. |
patientOrderUuidList | string array | Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Funktioner, der kan bruges til gruppering af patientbestillingsoperationer, der opretter en ny patientordregruppe, tilføjer patientordre til en eksisterende gruppe og fjerner patientordre fra gruppen. Alle disse metoder og deres parametre er angivet nedenfor.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
patientOrderInstitutionUuid | string | Patient order institution unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
patientOrderUuidList | string array | Patient order unique id list. Patient order unique ids can be obtained from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
patientOrderInstitutionUuid | string | Patient order institution unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
connectedGroupUuid | string | Patient order connected group unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
patientOrderUuidList | string array | Patient order unique id list. Patient order unique ids can be obtained from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
patientOrderInstitutionUuid | string | Patient order institution unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
patientOrderUuidList | string array | Patient order unique id list. Patient order unique ids can be obtained from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Du kan få detaljerede egenskaber for patientordrer ved hjælp af getPatientOrderProperties metode. Når de kaldes, vil alle egenskaber af patientordre blive returneret.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
patientOrderInstitutionUuid | string | Patient order institution unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
patientOrderUuid | string | Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Du kan tildele patientordren til den bruger med begrænset adgang, så brugeren kan se patientordren.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
patientOrderUuid | string | Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
assignedUserUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Du kan fjerne tildelingen af patientordren fra den tildelte bruger med begrænset adgang, så brugeren ikke kan se patientordren.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
patientOrderUuid | string | Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
unassignedUserUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Du kan tildele patientordren til den begrænsede adgangsgruppe, så brugere i gruppen kan se patientordren.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
patientOrderUuid | string | Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
assignedUserGroupUuid | string | Provide the user group unique id which is returned from the GetUserGroupList method and its parameters are given below. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Du kan fjerne tildelingen af patientordren fra den tildelte brugergruppe med begrænset adgang, så brugere i gruppen ikke kan se patientordren.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
patientOrderUuid | string | Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
unassignedUserGroupUuid | string | Provide the user group unique id which is returned from the GetUserGroupList method and its parameters are given below. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Du kan ændre placeringen af patientordren, hvis du har mere end én lokation.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
patientOrderUuid | string | Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
institutionUuid | string | Provide the institution unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Du kan indstille flaget til en patientordre.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
patientOrderUuid | string | Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
flagGroupId | string | Provide the user group unique id which is returned from the GetAccountFlagDictionary method and its parameters are given below. |
flagId | string | Provide the user group unique id which is returned from the GetAccountFlagDictionary method and its parameters are given below. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Funktioner, der kan bruges til at dele patientordrer. Metoder og deres parametre er angivet nedenfor.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
patientOrderUuidList | string array | Patient order unique id list. Patient order unique ids can be obtained from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
emailAddress | string | Email address to which the sharing access information will be sent. If you call function with this parameter but without emailAddressForSendingSharePassword parameter, both access link and password information will be send to email address that given emailAddress. |
emailAddressForSendingSharePassword | string | Email address to which the sharing access information will be sent. If you call function with both emailAddress and emailAddressForSendingSharePassword parameters, access link will be send emailAddress and password information will be send to emailAddressForSendingSharePassword. |
userCanDownloadStudies | bool | With this parameter users that access patient order images via sharing information could be download images in their local computer. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
patientOrderUuidList | string array | Patient order unique id list. Patient order unique ids can be obtained from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
emailAddress | string | Email address to which the sharing access information will be sent. If you call function with this parameter but without emailAddressForSendingSharePassword parameter, both access link and password information will be send to email address that given emailAddress. |
emailAddressForSendingSharePassword | string | Email address to which the sharing access information will be sent. If you call function with both emailAddress and emailAddressForSendingSharePassword parameters, access link will be send emailAddress and password information will be send to emailAddressForSendingSharePassword. |
userCanDownloadStudies | bool | With this parameter users that access patient order images via sharing information could be download images in their local computer. |
expireDate | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The expiration date for sharing. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
patientOrderUuidList | string array | Patient order unique id list. Patient order unique ids can be obtained from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
userCanDownloadStudies | bool | With this parameter users that access patient order images via sharing information could be download images in their local computer. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
patientOrderUuidList | string array | Patient order unique id list. Patient order unique ids can be obtained from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods. |
userCanDownloadStudies | bool | With this parameter users that access patient order images via sharing information could be download images in their local computer. |
expireDate | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The expiration date for sharing. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Funktioner, der kan bruges til deling af mapper. Metoder og deres parametre er angivet nedenfor.
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
folderUuid | string | Provide the folder unique id list. Folder unique ids can be obtained from GetFolderList method. |
emailAddress | string | Email address to which the sharing access information will be sent. If you call function with this parameter but without emailAddressForSendingSharePassword parameter, both access link and password information will be send to email address that given emailAddress. |
emailAddressForSendingSharePassword | string | Email address to which the sharing access information will be sent. If you call function with both emailAddress and emailAddressForSendingSharePassword parameters, access link will be send emailAddress and password information will be send to emailAddressForSendingSharePassword. |
sharePassword | string | Password is used by recipients of the link to gain access. |
shareTitle | string | Title information for sharing. |
shareDescription | string | Description for sharing. |
expireDate | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The expiration date for sharing. |
userCanDownloadStudies | bool | With this parameter users that access patient order images via sharing information could be download images in their local computer. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
folderUuid | string | Provide the folder unique id list. Folder unique ids can be obtained from GetFolderList method. |
sharePassword | string | Password is used by recipients of the link to gain access. |
shareTitle | string | Title information for sharing. |
shareDescription | string | Description for sharing. |
expireDate | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The expiration date for sharing. |
userCanDownloadStudies | bool | With this parameter users that access patient order images via sharing information could be download images in their local computer. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
folderUuid | string | Provide the folder unique id list. Folder unique ids can be obtained from GetFolderList method. |
emailAddress | string | Email address to which the sharing access information will be sent. If you call function with this parameter but without emailAddressForSendingSharePassword parameter, both access link and password information will be send to email address that given emailAddress. |
emailAddressForSendingSharePassword | string | Email address to which the sharing access information will be sent. If you call function with both emailAddress and emailAddressForSendingSharePassword parameters, access link will be send emailAddress and password information will be send to emailAddressForSendingSharePassword. |
sharePassword | string | Password is used by recipients of the link to gain access. |
shareTitle | string | Title information for sharing. |
shareDescription | string | Description for sharing. |
expireDate | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The expiration date for sharing. |
userCanDownloadStudies | bool | With this parameter users that access patient order images via sharing information could be download images in their local computer. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
folderUuid | string | Provide the folder unique id list. Folder unique ids can be obtained from GetFolderList method. |
sharePassword | string | Password is used by recipients of the link to gain access. |
shareTitle | string | Title information for sharing. |
shareDescription | string | Description for sharing. |
expireDate | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The expiration date for sharing. |
userCanDownloadStudies | bool | With this parameter users that access patient order images via sharing information could be download images in their local computer. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
folderUuid | string | Provide the folder unique id list. Folder unique ids can be obtained from GetFolderList method. |
sharedUserUuidList | string array | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
expireDate | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The expiration date for sharing. |
userCanDownloadStudies | bool | With this parameter users that access patient order images via sharing information could be download images in their local computer. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
folderUuid | string | Provide the folder unique id list. Folder unique ids can be obtained from GetFolderList method. |
sharedUserGroupUuidList | string array | Provide the user group unique id which is returned from the GetUserGroupList method and its parameters are given below. |
expireDate | string (YYYY-MM-DD) | The expiration date for sharing. |
userCanDownloadStudies | bool | With this parameter users that access patient order images via sharing information could be download images in their local computer. |
callback | function | Callback method. |
Required Parameters | Data Type | Description |
userUuid | string | Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method. |
callback | function | Callback method. |