Clearing Annotations


On the “Patient Search” page, all patient orders in your account will be shown. Double-click on the order you want to view the images. The “View” page will be opened. Click on the “Tools” icon on the upper left side of the page.

After clicking, the tools section will be displayed.

To delete annotations you have made on a single image, click on the “Clear” icon in the “Annotations” field on the upper left side of the page. When you click the icon, only the annotations in the current image will be cleared. If you have annotations on other images in the series, they will not be cleared.


For clearing annotations you have made in all images in the series, click on the “Clear All” icon in the “Annotations” field on the upper left side of the page.

In this way, you can clear the annotations on a single image or all the images in the same series.

If you use a few annotations you can delete the last annotation on the image by clicking the "Delete Last Annotation" icon (In the latest version of PostDICOM). The images contained in this article are taken from the old version of the PostDICOM.

Clearing Annotations Clearing Annotations
Knowledge Base Modal Image