Log in and select "Account Management".
Navigate to the "Auto DICOM Send Settings" section. Here, you can see your current auto DICOM send settings and create new ones.
You can click the "Add Rule" button to add a rule. "Add Rule" form will be shown.
On the form, you can set the DICOM send rules. These rules will apply to your selected MeDiC and Node. Fields marked with (*) are mandatory.
Location: If you have multiple locations, you can select the location where you want to apply your Auto DICOM Send settings. If it is left blank, all of the Locations will be selected by default.
Modality: Select the modality or modalities to apply your Auto DICOM Send settings. If it is left blank, all of the modalities will be selected.
Flag: Select the flag you want to apply to your Auto DICOM Send settings. If left blank, all of the Flags will be selected.
User Group: Select the User Group to apply your Auto DICOM Send settings. If selected only the patient orders that are assigned to that "User Group" will be sent.
User: Select the User to apply your Auto DICOM Send settings. If selected, only the patient orders that are assigned to that User will be sent.
MeDiC: Select the MeDiC where you want to apply your Auto DICOM Send settings. The images will be sent using that Medical Device Communicator.
Node: Select the Node to apply your Auto DICOM Send settings. Images will be sent to that DICOM node.
After filling out the form, click the "Add" button to add the rule. This rule will apply to the new patient images that comes to your PostDICOM account. Old patient images will not be affected by this DICOM send rule.
After clicking the "Add" button, you will see your DICOM Send rule in the list.
1- You can activate or deactivate your rule by clicking the button right next to it.
2- You can edit or delete a rule. To edit your rule, click on the rule you want to modify and then click the "pen icon" labeled "Edit".
After clicking "Edit," you will see the Edit Rule page. You can edit the fields you want to change and click the "Update" button.
You will see a success notification at the bottom right side of the page.
To delete your rules, you can select one or more rules. After selecting the rules, click on the "trash icon" labeled "Edit" to delete them.
You will see a confirmation page asking, "Do you want to delete the rule?" Click the "Yes" button.
You will see a success notification at the bottom right side of the page.