API cloud PostDICOM

Dans cet article, vous découvrirez les méthodes de l'API PostDiCom Cloud et comment intégrer votre application existante. Nous fournissons également PostDiCom Cloud API Reference Implementation, accessible à partir de PostDiCom Cloud API Reference Implementation.

PrequisitesConditions préalables

Pour utiliser l'API PostDICOM Cloud, tout d'abord, vous devez avoir deux clés à savoir AccountKey et ApiKey. Si vous ne possédez pas ces clés et que vous souhaitez intégrer votre application/page web avec PostDiCom, veuillez nous contacter et obtenir la vôtre.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous des détails sur ces clés.

AccountKey : Il s'agit de la clé attribuée à votre compte par PostDiCom. Il est unique et il est créé lorsque vous vous inscrivez à PostDiCom et il ne change pas dans le temps.

ApiKey : il s'agit de la clé attribuée à votre compte lorsqu'il est autorisé à utiliser la fonctionnalité de l'API PostDiCom Cloud. Il est conseillé de modifier cette clé régulièrement à l'aide de la page « Paramètres API ». Un exemple de capture d'écran est donné ci-dessous.

Cloud API Settings

Quelles sont les fonctions prises en charge par l'API PostDiCom Cloud ? Comment puis-je l'utiliser ?

PostDiCom Cloud API est fournie sous la forme d'une bibliothèque Javascript et elle est conçue de manière à fournir toutes les fonctions nécessaires aux sociétés médicales. Il s'agit de télécharger des fichiers DICOM, de créer des dossiers, de rechercher, de visualiser et de supprimer les commandes des patients. Les fonctionnalités prises en charge et leur utilisation sont expliquées dans les paragraphes suivants.

Si votre entreprise a besoin d'une autre fonctionnalité qui ne figure pas ci-dessous, veuillez nous contacter. Nous pouvons passer en compte sur la demande et pouvons fournir la fonctionnalité.

Bibliothèque Javascript de l'API PostDICOM Cloud

Les fonctions de l'API PostDiCom Cloud sont fournies via une bibliothèque javascript. Cette bibliothèque peut être téléchargée à partir du lien PostDicomCloudApi.js ci-dessous. Ajoutez cette adresse à la section « tête » de votre page HTML. Exemple d'utilisation est le suivant.

<script src="https://www.postdicom.com/cloud-api/PostDicomCloudApi.min.v10.8.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Fonctions prises en charge par l'API PostDiCom Cloud


Pour utiliser le service API PostDiCom Cloud, appelez d'abord la méthode « PostDiComCloudAPI » avec votre APIKey et AccountKey. De cette façon, vous allez créer un objet. L'exemple d'utilisation est ci-dessous.

var myApi = new postDicomCloudApi(apiKey, accountKey);
Required Parameters Description
apiKey It is used to authenticate the request. Provide your apiKey to the method.
accountKey It is used to authenticate the request. Provide your accountKey to the method.

Après la création de l'objet, appelez sa méthode « Initialize ». Cette méthode vérifie votre AccountKey avec APIKey et lorsque vous avez terminé appelle la méthode de rappel. Les résultats sont au format JSON, et ils peuvent être affichés dans la méthode de rappel. Exemple d'utilisation est donné ci-dessous.

Required Parameters Data Type Description
callback function Callback method.
Read Files
Lire les fichiers DICOM et obtenir des informations sur les patients et les études

L'API PostDICom Cloud fournit ReaddiComFiles pour lire les fichiers DICOM et renvoyer des informations sur les patients et les études à l'appelant. De cette façon, les utilisateurs peuvent traiter des fichiers DICOM et afficher les données des patients et des études dans leurs interfaces utilisateur. Exemple d'utilisation est donné ci-dessous.

myApi.ReadDicomFiles(selectedFiles, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
selectedFiles file list Select files from your user interface and pass them to this method.
callback function Callback method.

UploadingTéléchargement d'images DICOM

Pour télécharger des fichiers DICOM, nous proposons quatre méthodes différentes. Dans toutes ces méthodes, pendant la méthode de rappel de téléchargement sera appelée pour fournir la progression du téléchargement et le téléchargement des événements terminés. Seuls les fichiers au format DICOM peuvent être téléchargés. Les méthodes et leurs paramètres sont donnés ci-dessous.

myApi.UploadDicomFiles(userUuid, institutionUuid, selectedFiles, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
institutionUuid string Provide the institution unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
selectedFiles file list Select files from your user interface and pass them to this method.
callback function Callback method.
myApi.UploadDicomFilesIntoFolder(userUuid, institutionUuid, folderUuid, selectedFiles, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
institutionUuid string Provide the institution unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
folderUuid string Provide the folder unique id which is returned from the GetFolderList method.
selectedFiles file list Select files from your user interface and pass them to this method.
callback function Callback method.
myApi.UploadDicomFilesWithAnonymization(userUuid, institutionUuid, selectedFiles, anonymizedData, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
institutionUuid string Provide the institution unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
selectedFiles file list Select files from your user interface and pass them to this method.
anonymizedData DicomTagsEnum value list This is the anonymization data which will be used to change DICOM file tags.
Example usage:
anonymousData = [];
anonymousData.push({ Tag: myApi.DicomTagsEnum.PatientName, Value: 'John Doe' });
anonymousData.push({ Tag: myApi.DicomTagsEnum.PatientId, Value: '123' });
callback function Callback method.
myApi.UploadDicomFilesIntoFolderWithAnonymization(userUuid, institutionUuid, folderUuid, selectedFiles, anonymizedData, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
institutionUuid string Provide the institution unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
folderUuid string Provide the folder unique id which is returned from the GetFolderList method.
selectedFiles file list Select files from your user interface and pass them to this method.
anonymizedData DicomTagsEnum value list This is the anonymization data which will be used to change DICOM file tags.
Example usage:
anonymousData = [];
anonymousData.push({ Tag: myApi.DicomTagsEnum.PatientName, Value: 'John Doe' });
anonymousData.push({ Tag: myApi.DicomTagsEnum.PatientId, Value: '123' });
callback function Callback method.

UploadingTéléchargement de documents cliniques

Pour télécharger des documents cliniques, nous fournissons les méthodes suivantes. Pendant le téléchargement, la méthode de rappel sera appelée pour fournir la progression du téléchargement et le téléchargement des événements terminés. Seuls les fichiers au format PDF, JPEG, JPG, PNG, BMP et MP4 peuvent être téléchargés. Méthode et ses paramètres sont donnés ci-dessous.

myApi.UploadDocumentFiles(userUuid, institutionUuid, patientOrderUuid, selectedFiles, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
institutionUuid string Provide the institution unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
patientOrderUuid string Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
selectedFiles file list Select files from your user interface and pass them to this method (.pdf, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .bmp, .mp4).
callback function Callback method.

Search OrdersRecherche de commandes de patients

À l'aide de l'API PostDiCom Cloud, vous pouvez rechercher des commandes de patients dans votre compte avec différents paramètres. Nous fournissons trois méthodes différentes pour la recherche. Ces méthodes et leur utilisation sont donnés ci-dessous.

myApi.GetPatientOrderList(callback, userUuid, institutionUuidList, patientName, accessionNumber, patientId, otherPatientId, modalities);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
callback function Callback method.
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
institutionUuidList string array Provide the institution unique id list. Institution unique ids can be obtained from Initialize method. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty array.
patientName string Patient name to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
accessionNumber string Accession number to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
patientId string Patient ID to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
otherPatientId string Other patient ids to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
modalities string array Modalities to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty array.
myApi.GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange(callback, userUuid, institutionUuidList, patientName, accessionNumber, patientId, otherPatientId, modalities, startDate, endDate);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
callback function Callback method.
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
institutionUuidList string array Provide the institution unique id list. Institution unique ids can be obtained from Initialize method. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty array.
patientName string Patient name to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
accessionNumber string Accession number to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
patientId string Patient ID to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
otherPatientId string Other patient ids to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
modalities string array Modalities to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty array.
startDate date Start date to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty.
endDate date End date to search for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty.
myApi.GetPatientOrderListInFolder(callback, userUuid, folderUuid);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
callback function Callback method.
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
folderUuid string Provide the folder unique id which is returned from the GetFolderList method.

Create Patient OrderCréer une commande de patient

Pour créer des ordres Patient, nous proposons deux méthodes différentes. Dans toutes ces méthodes, une fois terminée, la méthode de rappel sera appelée pour fournir des événements terminés. Les méthodes et leurs paramètres sont donnés ci-dessous.

myApi.CreateOrderWithMinimumParameters(userUuid, institutionUuid, patientName, patientId, modality, studyDescription, orderDate, orderTime, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
institutionUuid string Provide the institution unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
patientName string Patient name to create for. You can send the patient name in “LAST NAME^FIRST NAME^MIDDLE NAME” format.
That way, we can use the location of ‘^’ character and split first name, middle name and last name.
patientId string Patient ID to create for.
modality string Modality to create for.
studyDescription string Study description to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
orderDate string (YYYY-MM-DD) Order date to create for.
orderTime string (HH:MM) Order time to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
callback function Callback method.
myApi.CreateOrderWithFullParameters(userUuid, institutionUuid, patientName, patientId, patientOtherId, patientBirthdate, modality, studyDescription, accessionNumber, complaints, orderDate, orderTime, procedureId, procedureDescription, scheduledEquipmentUuid, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
institutionUuid string Provide the institution unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
patientName string Patient name to create for. You can send the patient name in “LAST NAME^FIRST NAME^MIDDLE NAME” format.
That way, we can use the location of ‘^’ character and split first name, middle name and last name.
patientId string Patient ID to create for.
patientOtherId string Patient Other ID to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
patientBirthdate string (YYYY-MM-DD) Patient birth date to create for.
modality string Modality to create for.
studyDescription string Study description to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
accessionNumber string Accession number to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
complaints string Complaints to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
orderDate string (YYYY-MM-DD) Order date to create for.
orderTime string (HH:MM) Order time to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
procedureId string Procedure ID to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
procedureDescription string Procedure description to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
scheduledEquipmentUuid string Scheduled Equipment can be set by this parameter. Equipment unique ids can be obtained from GetDicomNodeList method. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty array.
callback function Callback method.
myApi.CreateOrderWithFullParameters2(userUuid, institutionUuid, patientName, patientId, patientOtherId, patientSex, patientBirthdate, modality, studyDescription, accessionNumber, complaints, orderDate, orderTime, procedureId, procedureDescription, scheduledEquipmentUuid, referringPhysiciansName, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
institutionUuid string Provide the institution unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
patientName string Patient name to create for. You can send the patient name in “LAST NAME^FIRST NAME^MIDDLE NAME” format.
That way, we can use the location of ‘^’ character and split first name, middle name and last name.
patientId string Patient ID to create for.
patientOtherId string Patient Other ID to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
patientSex string Patient Sex to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given "M","F","O" or empty string.
patientBirthdate string (YYYY-MM-DD) Patient birth date to create for.
modality string Modality to create for.
studyDescription string Study description to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
accessionNumber string Accession number to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
complaints string Complaints to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
orderDate string (YYYY-MM-DD) Order date to create for.
orderTime string (HH:MM) Order time to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
procedureId string Procedure ID to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
procedureDescription string Procedure description to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
scheduledEquipmentUuid string Scheduled Equipment can be set by this parameter. Equipment unique ids can be obtained from GetDicomNodeList method. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty array.
referringPhysiciansName string Referring Physicians Name to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given as empty string.
callback function Callback method.
myApi.CreateOrderWithJSON(userUuid, institutionUuid, jsonParameters, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
institutionUuid string Provide the institution unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
jsonParameters JSON You can create Patient Orders by setting the jsonParameters below.
You can only send the necessary JSON parameters to create the order.

OtherPatientId: 'Patient Other ID to create for.', //Format: string
PatientName: 'Patient Name to create for.', //Format: string
OrderModality: 'Modality to create for.', //Format: string
OrderAccessionNumber: 'Accession Number to create for.', //Format: string(lenght: 1-16) , Example: 'AN-12345'
PatientsBirthDate: 'Patient birth date to create for.', //Format: string(YYYY-MM-DD), Example: '2000-01-01'
PatientID: 'Patient ID to create for.', //Format: string
Priority: 'Priority flag to create for.', //Format: string
PatientHistory: 'Patient History to create for.', //Format: string
PatientComplaints: 'Patient Complaints to create for.', //Format: string
PatientSymptom: 'Patient Symptom to create for.', //Format: string
RequestingPhysician: 'Requesting Physician to create for.', //Format: string
RequestingDepartment: 'Requesting Department to create for.', //Format: string
RequestingProcedureDescription: 'Requesting Procedure Description to create for.', //Format: string
PerformedDatetime: 'Order datetime to create for.', //Format: string(YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM), Example: '2000-01-01 16:00'
OrderNote1: 'Order Note1 to create for.', //Format: string
OrderNote2: 'Order Note2 to create for.', //Format: string
ReferringPhysiciansName: 'Referring Physicians Name to create for.', //Format: string
StudyDescription: 'Study Description to create for.', //Format: string
RequestedProcedureId: 'Requested Procedure Id to create for.', //Format: string
ScheduledEquipmentUuid: 'Scheduled Equipment Uuid to create for.', //Format: string(GUID), Example: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
PatientSex: 'Patient Sex to create for. This is an optional parameter and can be given "M","F","O" or empty string.' //Format: string(lenght: 1), Example: 'O'
callback function Callback method.

Create and Delete FolderCréer et supprimer un dossier

Les dossiers peuvent être créés à l'aide de la méthode CreateFolder. Exemple d'utilisation est donné ci-dessous. Lorsque l'appel d'API est terminé, la méthode de rappel est appelée.

myApi.CreateFolder(userUuid, parentFolderUuid, folderName, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
parentFolderUuid string Parent folder unique id in which the new folder will be created. If this parameter is empty, folder is created at the root folder.
folderName string Name of the folder. Subfolders can be created by proving the folder names separated by '/' character. For example when "folderA/folderB" is passed to the method, folderA will be created and then folderB will be created in folderA.
callback function Callback method.

Les dossiers peuvent être créés à l'aide de la méthode CreateFolder. Exemple d'utilisation est donné ci-dessous. Lorsque l'appel d'API est terminé, la méthode de rappel est appelée.

myApi.CreateFolderWithDescription(userUuid, parentFolderUuid, folderName, folderDescription callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
parentFolderUuid string Parent folder unique id in which the new folder will be created. If this parameter is empty, folder is created at the root folder.
folderName string Name of the folder. Subfolders can be created by proving the folder names separated by '/' character. For example when "folderA/folderB" is passed to the method, folderA will be created and then folderB will be created in folderA.
folderDescription string Description of the folder.
callback function Callback method.

Les dossiers peuvent être supprimés à l'aide de la méthode DeleteFolder. Exemple d'utilisation est donné ci-dessous. Lorsque l'appel d'API est terminé, la méthode de rappel est appelée.

myApi.DeleteFolder(userUuid, folderUuid, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
folderUuid string Folder unique id in which the folder will be deleted.
callback function Callback method.

Search FolderRecherche de dossiers

Les dossiers peuvent être recherchés en utilisant la méthode GetFolderList. Exemple d'utilisation est donné ci-dessous. Lorsque l'appel d'API est terminé, la méthode de rappel est appelée.

myApi.GetFolderList(userUuid, parentFolderUuid, folderName, getOrdersInFolder, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
parentFolderUuid string Parent folder unique id in which the new folder will be searched. If this parameter is empty, root folders in the root folder are searched.
folderName string Name of the folder to be searched for. If this parameter is empty, all of the folders in the parent folder are returned.
getOrdersInFolder bool If this parameter is true, orders in that folder will be returned within the result.
callback function Callback method.
Obtention d'un lien d'accès pour consulter les dossier

Vous pouvez créer des liens d'accès pour vos dossier dans votre compte. Après avoir obtenu le lien du spectateur, ouvrez-le dans votre application ou via un navigateur Web comme Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, etc. Pour des raisons de sécurité, les adresses IP de la demande de lien et de l'afficheur doivent être les mêmes. De plus, si vous fournissez votre nom de domaine, nous pouvons créer des liens de vue uniquement pour les demandes provenant de votre domaine.

myApi.GetFolderViewUrl(userUuid, folderUuid, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
folderUuid string Provide the folder unique id which is returned from the GetFolderList method.
callback function Callback method.
Obtention d'un lien d'accès pour consulter les commandes

Vous pouvez créer des liens d'accès pour vos commandes dans votre compte. Après avoir obtenu le lien du spectateur, ouvrez-le dans votre application ou via un navigateur Web comme Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, etc. Pour des raisons de sécurité, les adresses IP de la demande de lien et de l'afficheur doivent être les mêmes. De plus, si vous fournissez votre nom de domaine, nous pouvons créer des liens de vue uniquement pour les demandes provenant de votre domaine.

myApi.GetViewUrl(userUuid, patientOrderUuid, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
patientOrderUuid string Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
callback function Callback method.
Deleting Orders
Déplacer les ordres dans la corbeille

Vous pouvez déplacer les commandes des patients à la corbeille à l'aide de la méthode DeleteOrder. Son utilisation et ses paramètres sont donnés ci-dessous.

myApi.DeleteOrder(userUuid, patientOrderInstitutionUuid, patientOrderUuid, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
patientOrderInstitutionUuid string Patient order institution unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
patientOrderUuid string Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
callback function Callback method.
Dicom Nodes
Obtenir la liste des nœuds dicom

Vous pouvez obtenir des nœuds DICOM en utilisant la méthode GetDiComNodeList. Lorsqu'il est appelé, tous les nœuds DICOM que l'utilisateur peut voir seront renvoyés.

myApi.GetDicomNodeList(userUuid, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
callback function Callback method.
Add Patient Order to Folders - Remove Patient Orders From Folder
Ajouter une commande de patient aux dossiers - Supprimer les commandes de patients du dossier

Patient Order peut être ajouté aux dossiers existants à l'aide de la méthode AddOrderToFolder. Exemple d'utilisation est donné ci-dessous. Lorsque l'appel d'API est terminé, la méthode de rappel est appelée.

myApi.AddOrderToFolder(userUuid, patientOrderInstitutionUuid, patientOrderUuid, folderUuidList, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
patientOrderInstitutionUuid string Patient order institution unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
patientOrderUuid string Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
folderUuidList string array Provide the folder unique id list. Folder unique ids can be obtained from GetFolderList method.
callback function Callback method.

Les commandes de patients peuvent être supprimées du dossier à l'aide de la méthode RemoveOrderFromFolder. Exemple d'utilisation est donné ci-dessous. Lorsque l'appel d'API est terminé, la méthode de rappel est appelée.

myApi.RemoveOrderFromFolder(userUuid, folderUuid, patientOrderUuidList, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
folderUuid string Provide the folder unique id list. Folder unique ids can be obtained from GetFolderList method.
patientOrderUuidList string array Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
callback function Callback method.
Patient Order linking processes to opening together
Ordre patient reliant les processus à l'ouverture ensemble

Fonctions qui peuvent être utilisées pour regrouper les commandes de patients opérations de création d'un nouveau groupe d'ordres de patients, ajouter l'ordre patient à un groupe existant et supprimer l'ordre patient du groupe. Toutes ces méthodes et leurs paramètres sont donnés ci-dessous.

myApi.CreateOrderGroup(userUuid, patientOrderInstitutionUuid, patientOrderUuidList, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
patientOrderInstitutionUuid string Patient order institution unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
patientOrderUuidList string array Patient order unique id list. Patient order unique ids can be obtained from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
callback function Callback method.
myApi.AddOrdersToOrderGroup(userUuid, patientOrderInstitutionUuid, connectedGroupUuid, patientOrderUuidList, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
patientOrderInstitutionUuid string Patient order institution unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
connectedGroupUuid string Patient order connected group unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
patientOrderUuidList string array Patient order unique id list. Patient order unique ids can be obtained from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
callback function Callback method.
myApi.RemoveOrdersFromGroup(userUuid, patientOrderInstitutionUuid, patientOrderUuidList, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
patientOrderInstitutionUuid string Patient order institution unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
patientOrderUuidList string array Patient order unique id list. Patient order unique ids can be obtained from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
callback function Callback method.
Patient Order Properties
Propriétés de l'ordre du patient

Vous pouvez obtenir des propriétés détaillées de l'ordre des patients en utilisant la méthode GetPatientOrderProperties. Lorsqu'il est appelé, toutes les propriétés de l'ordre du patient seront retournées.

myApi.GetPatientOrderProperties(userUuid, patientOrderInstitutionUuid, patientOrderUuid, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
patientOrderInstitutionUuid string Patient order institution unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
patientOrderUuid string Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
callback function Callback method.
Assign Patient Order to User
Attribuer une commande de patient à un utilisateur

Vous pouvez attribuer la commande du patient à l'utilisateur à accès limité afin que l'utilisateur puisse consulter la commande du patient.

myApi.AssignPatientOrderToUser(userUuid, patientOrderUuid, assignedUserUuid, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
patientOrderUuid string Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
assignedUserUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
callback function Callback method.
Unassign Patient Order to User
Annuler l'attribution d'une commande de patient à l'utilisateur

Vous pouvez annuler l'attribution de la commande du patient à l'utilisateur à accès limité attribué afin que l'utilisateur ne puisse pas afficher la commande du patient.

myApi.UnassignPatientOrderFromUser(userUuid, patientOrderUuid, unassignedUserUuid, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
patientOrderUuid string Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
unassignedUserUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
callback function Callback method.
Assign Patient Order to User Group
Attribuer une commande de patient à un groupe d'utilisateurs

Vous pouvez attribuer la commande du patient au groupe d'utilisateurs à accès limité afin que les utilisateurs du groupe puissent consulter la commande du patient.

myApi.AssignPatientOrderToUserGroup(userUuid, patientOrderUuid, assignedUserGroupUuid, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
patientOrderUuid string Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
assignedUserGroupUuid string Provide the user group unique id which is returned from the GetUserGroupList method and its parameters are given below.
callback function Callback method.
Unassign Patient Order to User Group
Annuler l'attribution d'une commande de patient au groupe d'utilisateurs

Vous pouvez annuler l'attribution de la commande du patient au groupe d'utilisateurs à accès limité attribué afin que les utilisateurs du groupe ne puissent pas afficher la commande du patient.

myApi.UnassignPatientOrderFromUserGroup(userUuid, patientOrderUuid, unassignedUserGroupUuid, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
patientOrderUuid string Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
unassignedUserGroupUuid string Provide the user group unique id which is returned from the GetUserGroupList method and its parameters are given below.
callback function Callback method.
Assign Patient Order to Location
Attribuer une commande de patient à un emplacement

Vous pouvez modifier l'emplacement de la commande du patient si vous avez plusieurs emplacements.

myApi.AssignPatientOrderToLocation(userUuid, patientOrderUuid, institutionUuid, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
patientOrderUuid string Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
institutionUuid string Provide the institution unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
callback function Callback method.
Set Flag To Patient Order
Définir un indicateur sur l'ordre du patient

Vous pouvez définir le drapeau sur une commande de patient.

myApi.SetFlagToPatientOrder(userUuid, patientOrderUuid, flagGroupId, flagId, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
patientOrderUuid string Patient order unique id which is returned from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
flagGroupId string Provide the user group unique id which is returned from the GetAccountFlagDictionary method and its parameters are given below.
flagId string Provide the user group unique id which is returned from the GetAccountFlagDictionary method and its parameters are given below.
callback function Callback method.
Get Account Flag Dictionary
Obtenir le dictionnaire des indicateurs de compte
myApi.GetAccountFlagDictionary(userUuid, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
callback function Callback method.
Share Patient Order
Partager l'ordre du patient

Fonctions qui peuvent être utilisées pour partager les ordres des patients. Les méthodes et leurs paramètres sont donnés ci-dessous.

myApi.SharePatientOrder(userUuid, orderUuidList, email, emailForSendingSharePassword, userCanDownloadStudies, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
patientOrderUuidList string array Patient order unique id list. Patient order unique ids can be obtained from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
emailAddress string Email address to which the sharing access information will be sent. If you call function with this parameter but without emailAddressForSendingSharePassword parameter, both access link and password information will be send to email address that given emailAddress.
emailAddressForSendingSharePassword string Email address to which the sharing access information will be sent. If you call function with both emailAddress and emailAddressForSendingSharePassword parameters, access link will be send emailAddress and password information will be send to emailAddressForSendingSharePassword.
userCanDownloadStudies bool With this parameter users that access patient order images via sharing information could be download images in their local computer.
callback function Callback method.
myApi.SharePatientOrderWithExpireDate(userUuid, orderUuidList, email, emailForSendingSharePassword, userCanDownloadStudies, expireDate, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
patientOrderUuidList string array Patient order unique id list. Patient order unique ids can be obtained from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
emailAddress string Email address to which the sharing access information will be sent. If you call function with this parameter but without emailAddressForSendingSharePassword parameter, both access link and password information will be send to email address that given emailAddress.
emailAddressForSendingSharePassword string Email address to which the sharing access information will be sent. If you call function with both emailAddress and emailAddressForSendingSharePassword parameters, access link will be send emailAddress and password information will be send to emailAddressForSendingSharePassword.
userCanDownloadStudies bool With this parameter users that access patient order images via sharing information could be download images in their local computer.
expireDate string (YYYY-MM-DD) The expiration date for sharing.
callback function Callback method.
myApi.CreateQuickShareLink(userUuid, orderUuidList, userCanDownloadStudies, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
patientOrderUuidList string array Patient order unique id list. Patient order unique ids can be obtained from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
userCanDownloadStudies bool With this parameter users that access patient order images via sharing information could be download images in their local computer.
callback function Callback method.
myApi.CreateQuickShareLinkWithExpireDate(userUuid, orderUuidList, userCanDownloadStudies, expireDate, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
patientOrderUuidList string array Patient order unique id list. Patient order unique ids can be obtained from the GetPatientOrderList, GetPatientOrderListWithDateRange and GetPatientOrderListInFolder methods.
userCanDownloadStudies bool With this parameter users that access patient order images via sharing information could be download images in their local computer.
expireDate string (YYYY-MM-DD) The expiration date for sharing.
callback function Callback method.
Share Folder
Partager le dossier

Fonctions pouvant être utilisées pour partager des dossiers. Les méthodes et leurs paramètres sont donnés ci-dessous.

myApi.ShareFolderWithEmail(userUuid, folderUuid, emailAddress, emailAddressForSendingSharePassword, sharePassword, shareTitle, shareDescription, expireDate, userCanDownloadStudies, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
folderUuid string Provide the folder unique id list. Folder unique ids can be obtained from GetFolderList method.
emailAddress string Email address to which the sharing access information will be sent. If you call function with this parameter but without emailAddressForSendingSharePassword parameter, both access link and password information will be send to email address that given emailAddress.
emailAddressForSendingSharePassword string Email address to which the sharing access information will be sent. If you call function with both emailAddress and emailAddressForSendingSharePassword parameters, access link will be send emailAddress and password information will be send to emailAddressForSendingSharePassword.
sharePassword string Password is used by recipients of the link to gain access.
shareTitle string Title information for sharing.
shareDescription string Description for sharing.
expireDate string (YYYY-MM-DD) The expiration date for sharing.
userCanDownloadStudies bool With this parameter users that access patient order images via sharing information could be download images in their local computer.
callback function Callback method.
myApi.ShareFolderWithURL(userUuid, folderUuid, sharePassword, shareTitle, shareDescription, expireDate, userCanDownloadStudies, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
folderUuid string Provide the folder unique id list. Folder unique ids can be obtained from GetFolderList method.
sharePassword string Password is used by recipients of the link to gain access.
shareTitle string Title information for sharing.
shareDescription string Description for sharing.
expireDate string (YYYY-MM-DD) The expiration date for sharing.
userCanDownloadStudies bool With this parameter users that access patient order images via sharing information could be download images in their local computer.
callback function Callback method.
myApi.ShareFolderToUploadWithEmail(userUuid, folderUuid, emailAddress, emailAddressForSendingSharePassword, sharePassword, shareTitle, shareDescription, expireDate, userCanDownloadStudies, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
folderUuid string Provide the folder unique id list. Folder unique ids can be obtained from GetFolderList method.
emailAddress string Email address to which the sharing access information will be sent. If you call function with this parameter but without emailAddressForSendingSharePassword parameter, both access link and password information will be send to email address that given emailAddress.
emailAddressForSendingSharePassword string Email address to which the sharing access information will be sent. If you call function with both emailAddress and emailAddressForSendingSharePassword parameters, access link will be send emailAddress and password information will be send to emailAddressForSendingSharePassword.
sharePassword string Password is used by recipients of the link to gain access.
shareTitle string Title information for sharing.
shareDescription string Description for sharing.
expireDate string (YYYY-MM-DD) The expiration date for sharing.
userCanDownloadStudies bool With this parameter users that access patient order images via sharing information could be download images in their local computer.
callback function Callback method.
myApi.ShareFolderToUploadWithUrl(userUuid, folderUuid, sharePassword, shareTitle, shareDescription, expireDate, userCanDownloadStudies, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
folderUuid string Provide the folder unique id list. Folder unique ids can be obtained from GetFolderList method.
sharePassword string Password is used by recipients of the link to gain access.
shareTitle string Title information for sharing.
shareDescription string Description for sharing.
expireDate string (YYYY-MM-DD) The expiration date for sharing.
userCanDownloadStudies bool With this parameter users that access patient order images via sharing information could be download images in their local computer.
callback function Callback method.
myApi.ShareFolderWithAccountUser(userUuid, folderUuid, sharedUserUuidList, expireDate, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
folderUuid string Provide the folder unique id list. Folder unique ids can be obtained from GetFolderList method.
sharedUserUuidList string array Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
expireDate string (YYYY-MM-DD) The expiration date for sharing.
userCanDownloadStudies bool With this parameter users that access patient order images via sharing information could be download images in their local computer.
callback function Callback method.
myApi.ShareFolderWithAccountUserGroup(userUuid, folderUuid, sharedUserGroupUuidList, expireDate, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
folderUuid string Provide the folder unique id list. Folder unique ids can be obtained from GetFolderList method.
sharedUserGroupUuidList string array Provide the user group unique id which is returned from the GetUserGroupList method and its parameters are given below.
expireDate string (YYYY-MM-DD) The expiration date for sharing.
userCanDownloadStudies bool With this parameter users that access patient order images via sharing information could be download images in their local computer.
callback function Callback method.
myApi.GetUserGroupList(userUuid, callback);
Required Parameters Data Type Description
userUuid string Provide the user unique id which is returned from the Initialize method.
callback function Callback method.